From the System Main Menu: [R] - Monthly Reports 

The user can select between several report types in the menu shown below. The some reports are the Departmental Report Checks by Department. Most of the report can be produce for the current individual month or year to date. The Department Report can be run with or without budget consideration. The report can be prepared for the local church board or for the conference remittance report and also it can be printed by the month or by the quarter. All reports can be output by selecting a method from the Output dropdown listbox.  The user can have the report sent to MS Excel where the program will add additional formatting and then print a very professional report.  Reports can also be prepared as web pages and published to the user web site.. 

 Press : 

[F2] - to execute the following reports 
        Bank Accounts Summary Report
        Departmental Report
        Checks by Department Report
[F10] - to return Main Menu